Short, 45 minutes
12 males, 10 females, 9 either (10-31 possible, 4-12 males, 4-10 females, 2-9 either)

Jenna and Achilles find themselves trapped in the Millennium Relationships Services offices located at the end of the Universe. With no memory of how they got there, and no knowledge of each other, the two confused singles are shown bad first dates throughout history – Antony and Cleopatra, Macbeth and Latonya (Lady) Macbeth, George Washington and Martha, Frankenstein’s Monster and the soon-to-be Bride of the Monster, and Uncle Sam and the Statue of Liberty. These horrible first impressions are examples of what not to do, and Jenna and Achilles are expected to learn from them before they’re sent out on their “assignment.” (NOTE: This play contains stand-alone scenes perfect for drama festivals and competitions.) Click to read a sample or order a copy!